Why I’m rethinking my relationship with writing

This is supposed to be an “About Me” page, but instead, this will probably be a thesis on what I want to accomplish here and why (I hope) it will be worthwhile for you to subscribe.

I have a tenuous relationship with writing. It is something that I’ve enjoyed since I was young. Occasionally, various people even validated me by showing interest in reading what I had to write. But for a while, it wasn’t about the external validation, it was about the internal process. Writing helps me discover the world around me and engage with it in a meaningful way. This pushed me to write about sports, culture, gaming, and straight-up foolishness. And then I fell victim to the same phenomenon I derided.

The rise of “content creator” as a mainstream phenomenon drastically changed my relationship with writing. Its function as a means of engaging with the world around me was no longer enough. The number had to go up. The dopamine from a “like” had to hit all the same. In an endless pursuit of appearing to others, I’ve lost connection with what writing, at its core, meant to me.

So I stopped.

And now I’d like to resume.

So that’s just it, the goal of this Substack is for me to rediscover an essential part of myself and hopefully provide something meaningful to you (whether it’s one reader or a hundred) in the process. There will be growing pains. I will have to relearn the craft I have largely forgotten.

So, what do you get from subscribing? Two things, mostly.

A weekly overview of “just a few other things”

Every Sunday I will take the time to look at the week that has been. This will include a variety of topics around sports, culture, gaming, and just everyday life. These will be two paragraphs at most per point. The goal isn’t to soliloquize, but to point out why I find something meaningful, and why (hopefully) you would too.

A deeper dive into a variety of subjects

In addition to the consistent weekly overview, I hope to take the time to engage with some things on a deeper level. Not everything will be for everyone and as my involvement grows, I hope to introduce split sections based on subject (to spare some of you reading through items that are not of interest). The goal is to eventually have these deeper dives be a paid subscription (as we cannot escape the content monster forever), but I am not convinced enough to believe that will happen any time soon.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. And if you’re considering joining me on this journey, thank you for that as well. We’ll see what comes to be.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully see you again soon.


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My personal Substack
